Friday, June 09, 2006

Each On Teach One(EOTO)-User Generated Content

User Generated Content

Global communication made possible by the internet, and related technologies, are evolving constantly. Websites, weblogs(blogs), portals, and podcasts are just a few of the many delivery modes available to users. Each one of these delivery modes carries content.

"Content is King!", is a quote I remember from a mentor and program director at a television station where I worked for an extended period of time. "... No matter what delivery system is developed, it will always be about content..." he continued to share. The tools avaiable on the internet has made it easier for individuals to become their own personal media providers, or share with others as a media provider.

Citizen journalism is exihbited in Blogs on a regular basis. iPods, and other portable media storage devices, make it possible to carry entire personal digital libraries that can be updated on a regular basis. Traditional media providers
(radio, tv, newpapers) have jumped in and joined forces with the very forces that are changing their business models daily.

Newpapers have blogs for their reader to contribute and react to stories. Television stations use blogs not only for reaction to stories, in addtion, blogs provide a tool for gathering information for followup on stories.

UGC can be downloaded on demand, giving the user more control over consumption. Mobile devices have altered the landscape tremedously. iPods and other hi-capacity mobile storage/playback units have generated a new 'mobile digital content' lifestyle.

This change is not without a price. businesses are constantly trying to find a way to keep revenue streams coming, while more and more people are changing the media consumption habits. Copyright and other intellectual property issues are constantly popping up. The Technology is changing faster than the policies the govern them(where policies are in place).

Five Biggest Fears
1. The promises of free speech and self-expression on the internet are exercised unabated and no checks or balances get put into place.

2. Due to the extremes of free speech, and easy access to global markets, check and balances get into place.

3. Intellectual property issues abound due to the volumes of information available. It would be almost impossible to track original ideas and who has ownership of anhy body of work.

4. Too much information. Sometimes trying to find one little piece of information, is like trying fill an eyedropper with water from a waterfall. OVERWHELMING

5. There aren't gatekeepers to verify accuracy of information. how do you know what is and isn't true?

Web Resources

1. The Value of User Generated Content Part 1
Paul Chin writes a series of articles explaining the concept and context of User Generated content. His series is among a wonderful web resource, Intranet Chin explains engineered-content, and user generated content.

2. An Agency's Worst Nightmare: Ads Created by Users
New York Times reporter Julie Bosman shares the invasion of User Generated Content in the advertising arena. Sony Electronics has an ad created by a 19 year old. The young man's commercial will run for up to two months on CurrentTV, a UGC driven cable network. This could be a trend setting contest. Sony has two large adverstising agencies on retainer, having consumers create the commercials could be good marketing, and a big cost saving strategy.

3. Web 2.0 Cracks Start to Show
This is an article from Wired News reporter Xendi Jardin. I found it to be on the edge of geeky. Which means it has relevance to the UGC issue, while explaining the technical issues associated with the content issues. The brief mention about the plight of traditional newspapers and erosion of their core audience is profound.

4. Pew Internet & American Life Report: Home Broadband Adoption2006
The Pew Internet project provides information from their research activities about the impact of the Internet on Children and their communities. This report highlights the impact broadband in the home is having on User Generated Content.

5. Wikipedia: User Generated Content
The online Encyclopedia offers a definition of User Generated Content , and some related links. The Wikipedia is a large User Generated site. Individuals can contribute to the site by signing up. It's a citizen generated online reference resource.

6. Johnnie Manzari: User Generated Content
Manzari is a designer by trade. His Blog entry read more like a newpaper article, however , I found it useful providing a certain level of context and perspective. He really makes a connection between the availability of UGC tools and the business motivation of the providers.


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